stretch marks are one of the aesthetic issues that are of most concern to women, though, are not unique to them, they are more frequent among females. May appear at
puberty, after
increases and decreases of weight, in pregnancy, or at any time of life. What is certain is that it is always looking for ways to reduce and prevent them.
If today
there is a variety of creams and products to treat them, it never hurts to know
some home remedies to help in its prevention and/or treatment, because it favors the regeneration of the skin.
Although its consumption should be moderate, since it is not healthy, this does not mean that you do not have other uses that can be of benefit. Its texture is ideal to
prepare a natural exfoliate that helps diminish dead skin cells and improve the appearance of stretch marks. Take note how to do it.
Ingredients: a spoonful of sugar (10 gr), a tablespoon of lemon juice (10 ml) and a tablespoon of almond oil (15 grams). How
how to prepare it? Pour the sugar in a bowl and mix it with lemon juice. Then add the almond oil and form a thick paste. Apply the resultant product on the area to be treated, with soft circular massages and leave it for about 15 minutes. Rinse well.
Repeat the treatment three times a week.
Aloe vera
As in many other matters related to the skin, the aloe vera is more than appropriate. Known for
nourishing and restoring the skin, its
antioxidant compounds and moisturizing, promote cell regeneration and reducing the appearance of stretch marks. What
do you need? half a cup of aloe vera gel (100 grams) and two tablespoons of olive oil (28 grams).
Preparation: Take required quantity of aloe vera leaves, make a cut lengthwise and removed from inside the aloe vera gel, leads to the glass of the blender along with the olive oil and process for a few minutes. Make sure that it results in a homogeneous combination, applied on the areas and let sit for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, and repeat its use on a daily basis.
Sweet almond oil
It is an essential oil that provides
high doses of vitamin E, which increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Can be combined with olive oil to maximize its benefits.
Ingredients: half a cup of oils of almonds (112 grams) and a quarter cup of olive oil (56 grams).
what to do? Mix both oils in a jar and use the amount you need to apply on the altered zone. It takes a little directly with the hands, and rubbed by doing light massage on the skin. Repeat the application daily, at night.