back pain has become, unfortunately, commonplace. The
stress, poor posture,
sedentary lifestyle and an endless number of factors have made that back pain is the order of the day. As in many other problems, yoga can help. A much more healthy and natural to take away a pain reliever. Test and feel better.
In this article, we tell you
four postures or asanas that will stimulate circulation, relieve muscle tension and help you feel better and more relaxed.
Fists forward bend
An ideal posture to relax the back muscles and stimulate the nervous system.
How do you do it? Standing on a blanket or mat for yoga, separating the feet to the hips. Bend your knees slightly and lean in a way that bring the torso towards the legs until the belly touches the thighs.

Then he made two fists and place them in the folds of the elbows opposite. Relaxes the back, neck and head. Tightens the cuffs with the arms stretched forward, they will be above your head. Repeat 10 to 20 times, inhaling and exhaling gently. Tip: don't do it on an empty stomach, because you could become dizzy.
Opening shoulders against the wall
It is a little more complex and requires practice. Is suitable for relieving low back pain, and to ease tension in the upper trunk.
Step by step: stand facing a wall with arms extended, tilt the body forward, placing the palms of the hands on the wall. Notice that the toes are open and stretched out.

Takes slightly the navel towards the back, as you stretch the tailbone toward the floor.
Lift the ribs from the pelvis, to achieve a natural curvature of the lumbar spine, with the abdomen active. Keep the spine straight and begins to walk with the legs back, bending at the waist,
to form an L-shape against the wall. Repeat 10 to 20 times the exercise, and returns to the initial position.
Downward facing dog
This stance, or “
adho mukha svanasana” in sanskrit,it
is ideal to warm up and start the action. It tones the nerves of the spine and promotes circulation of the blood in the area. In addition, it strengthens the muscles and joints of the arms, neck, back, and legs.
How do you do it? Put yourself in doggy style position, with feet apart the width of the hips and the palms of the hands as a point of support, with the fingers open. Then, supports the metatarsals and arise in downward facing dog.
Not arquees too much back to back because it can get bad form the muscles. Lift the ribs front to give firmness to the shoulders and to the spine. Push the tailbone towards the heels and press back through the inner and outer part of the foot.
The child's pose or “
balasana” is ideal to relax your back and lengthen your spine. It is advisable to do to rest in between exercises or at the end of a stretching routine. It is also recommended to calm the tension associated with the stress.
How do you do it? Turn around and get into position of four points, to make the posture of the child, one or several minutes.

Try the pose with your knees apart, big toes in contact, and then board the knees to a stretching of the spinal cord.
If your head does not reach the floor,
place a yoga block or the hands under the forehead to relax completely. The arms can also be put on the sides of the body. Inhale deeply and on each exhale feel the tension dissolving.