While there are
hereditary factors, the same passage of time and various causes that have to do with the
appearance, more early or more late, of the
wrinkles, we tell you in this post Nosotras.com some
tricks to prevent its emergence early.
Don't smoke: smoking is bad, we know,
but also spoils and damages the skin, encouraging the appearance of early
lines of expression, with deep wrinkles and pronounced. In addition, stain the teeth and skin, especially, the toes and the contour of the lips.
Eat foods rich in antioxidants: diet is key, and should be nutritious and balanced. In this sense, you should include foods rich in
antioxidants, especially
vitamin E, C and
B complex, as well as other substances with antioxidant action, such as
lycopene or
polyphenols, among others.
Prevents or reduces to a minimum the refined sugar: sugar in excess is never healthy, in addition to this, it can be harmful to the skin. Reduces your consumption and opt rather for
natural sweeteners or honey.
Exercise: exercise is key to a healthy life, in addition to improve the circulation and tone the muscles, it also reaffirms the skin.
Moderate the consumption of salt: as it is not good to the excess of sugar, nor is the salt. The excess of sodium causes bloating and fluid retention, as well as can also increase the eye bags and to generate alterations in this area so delicate.
Care hydration: water is the source of life and you must also take care of the moisture to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, since the deshidataciĆ³n makes the skin more dry, leaving the ground just to the lines of expression. Drink plenty of water daily, at all times of the day.
Clean well your face makeup: cleansing at night is essential, there should be no traces of makeup or impurities, so you should not skip to that night, the skin can regenerate itself as it should.
Sleep on your back: although the position in which you sleep may seem insignificant, if you do it with the face supported on a same side or upside down, this can lead to fine lines which with the time marking the skin. Do you want more reasons to sleep? Helps to prevent sagging breasts, heartburn and reflux.