What is your weight
increases to two pounds each day, you feel that you
feel tired and
bloated? These can be
symptoms of retention of
fluids in the body. Take a
look at what the cause and the way to
get rid of the excess fluid in the
Why do we have fluid retention?
- Estrogen: The retention of fluids and is more common before menstruation. It is a process natural caused by the increase in the levels of estrogen. The hswelling disappears with the passage of the symptoms of the syndrome premenstrual. However, when you are using contraceptives hormonal levels of estrogen are always high and this can end up accumulating water in the body on a chronic basis.
- Salt: Eating too much salt. Present in the composition of salt, the sodium carries the water to the space intercellular, forming in this way a swelling.
- Drink small amounts of water: Paradoxically, the retention of fluids in the body can be the cause of a low consumption of water. When you drink less, the body receives a signal to not remove liquid accumulated – thus defends itself against dehydration.
- Lack of exercise: A style of life sedentary and low physical activity causes the blood to circulate more slowly. Poor circulation causes fluid retention in the tissues and leads to the swelling of the legs.
How can I do away with fluid retention?
- Change your diet: Not only you have to eat less salt, also try not to eat products that lead a lot. This applies especially to the food - highly processed such as fried potatoes, products, canned goods, dishes, prepared , and sauces, powdered soup or meal quickly. Leaves dried ham and cheese.

vegetables and fresh fruit – which
contain large amounts of
potassium, which reduces the effects
of sodium. You can eat
peas, soy beans,
lentils and also with the products
diuretics such as melons, strawberries, cherries,
grapefruits, celery, parsley,
- Drink more water: you Should drink about 2 litres of fluid a day. Better than water mineral with a low content in sodium. Drink slowly, in small quantities and at intervals small – you give the signal to the body that you do not have to accumulate water for later.
- Do more exercise: there is No better recipe to improve the circulation to the activity physical. Make a minimum of one half hour of exercise each day – don't have to be an exercise special, just a walk longer. While you work in the office make breaks frequently to stretch the legs.
- Get drain: To get rid of the excess water from the body can help to drain lymph. Drainage improves the circulation of the blood and the lymph. It is used mainly against the cellulite, the varicose veins, with the syndrome of heavy legs , and for faster regeneration after injuries, operations.
Images: bilanka.com