If you want to organise a party baby shower because you are pregnant , or because one of your friends what it is and you are going to encargaros you of the organization, pay attention to the basic points for you to mount this event to be something quick and simple.
The first thing that you will have to do will be to plan the place, date and time.
And once you may have this come to fruition because it will be time to move on to the decoration. Study the possibilities that offers you the space that you are going to do. And it is not the same thing to mount a baby shower in the open air in an enclosed space.
In the event that you have the opportunity to do a baby shower outdoor the most important thing will be that the table is properly mounted.
If you are going to choose a motif theme, that everything from the cutlery to sweets, are custom. That along with a garland of colors and matching chairs will be more than enough to organize the baby shower perfect. Of course, always making sure that you have the required illumination.
Of course
, you have to take into account that in this type of holiday motifs will always be of a nature child and can be adapted in function of certain aspects as if they already know the sex of the baby, their name, etc, something that is applicable whether the party is done outdoors and if you pass in an interior.
And that is if the party takes place in an interior you will be able to take better care of the decor that will be around the table.
From make a fun photo boot to fill the ground, balloons, and other details that will make it special this holiday welcome to the future baby and that the mom-to-be will be the protagonist really. A good excuse to have a good time among friends.