acidity of the stomach, or heartburn, is a
burning sensation in the pit of the stomach, and that usually extends to the throat, so that leaves the aftertaste of a bitter or acid. The
causes of this feeling may be diverse, such as the
intake of certain foods or drugs, and to try to avoid it, in this post we're going to give a series of tips.
For a start, it is necessary
to avoid the consumption of some foods that could be the cause of our heartburn. These foods are
citrus fruits, chocolate, tomato, onions or spicy foods. And also there are
drinks that could cause the burning, and that therefore we should also limit ourselves, as the
coffee, and alcoholic beverages and carbonated.
Also, if we suffer from a constant burning, I
recommend that you do
light meals, as the copious make it slow down the digestion, especially in the case of the dinner. In connection with the dinner, another recommendation is to
not going to bed until they have spent more than two hours after eating for better digestion.

And when we go to bed, it is ideal to
sleep with the head raised about 15 centimeters, because the fact of placing it at a height higher than the stomach, which prevents the return of food.
On the other hand,
after eatingto promote digestion,
it is not recommended to exercise intense physical, but yes that is favorable to walk at gentle pace.
In addition, to prevent the burning,
we have to combat being overweight - if we should put ourselves in the hands of a specialist to lose weight – since obesity promotes a return into the esophagus, since it increases the abdominal pressure. And
neither is it appropriate to wear tight-fitting garments and smoking.