Drink two litres of water a day is essential to keep our body healthy and hydrated. On average, each person loses to 1,450 milliliters of water a day, so it is ideal to compensate for this loss and fill it until you get to two liters.
water is a
basic component of the body, accounting for
60% of the total. And that is as additional information and to give you an idea of your presence, you have to know that the blood is 83% water, muscles are 75% water, brain is 85% water and bones are 22% water.
In addition,
the water of our body has
physical and chemical properties that are beneficial to the body and also acts as a
medium of transport of substances in the processes of digestion, food distribution, or disposal of toxic elements.

Therefore, it is very important that we drink two litres of water a day since in this way, our
liver, kidneys, digestive and immune system meet it in a right way with their functions. And it will also serve to lubricate the joints and improve the strength of the ligaments.
On the other hand, water
controls body temperature, helps to
keep the levels adequate
it slows the aging and even helps to
maintain the beauty of hair, nails and skin.
In the same way, when we are to
diet, if you drink plenty of water will have less of an appetite and help the body in metabolizing the fat that we have accumulated, and therefore, to lose weight.
Consuming the recommended amount of water, we will also be
reducing the chances of getting certain diseases. We refer for example to cancer of the colon or bladder, heart problems, kidney stones, urinary infections or oral diseases.
So you know, even though at times you may not be thirsty,
it is important to strive for getting two litres a day.