When the zen master
Thich Nhat Hanh, said that
there are to pay attention and identify the seeds of happiness in our consciousness to be able to water them, he was right. The key:
putting mindfulness in ourselves and in the
beautiful, the
pleasant, the
pleasurable , and ultimately, what will bring us
well-being. Produce seeds of happiness is to recreate, time and again, these
feelings in our body.
But what happens
when there are situations in our life that make it difficult to feel these
sensations? Then, the resilience will be the key to overcome them. And if
you have not yet learned to be resilient, remember that in school we didn't have classes of
emotional education , and we don't have to be experts in the topic. The only thing that we need is
to understand is that life is a journey of experimentation and
continuous learning. You only need to put
will and perseverance to be better day after day.

brain there is an
organ rigid, can be modified,
regenerate and treat itself. This ability is called
neuroplasticity or
neural plasticity. Until the
60s it was argued that changes in
neuronal structure were possible only during childhood. But recent research showed that the brain can create
new neural pathways and alter existing ones. What does this mean? If we practice
meditation regularly we can achieve
changes as significant as these:
- Increase in the density of the Hippocampus, a brain region important for learning and memory and in structures associated with self-awareness, compassion and introspection.
- Decrease of the amygdala: the body in charge of fire alarms in front of a hazard is contracted with the practice of meditation. This means that we reduce the activation of responses against the fear and the stress. As the amygdala shrinks with meditation:
- Enlargement of the prefrontal cortex: regions of the brain associated with concentration, awareness and decision-making capacity become larger and more efficient.

As it could not be of another way, this discovery
opens the door to
new therapists incorporate meditation as one of the key techniques to improve the
well-being and the
quality of life of their patients. It is the case of
Lucas Elizalde and his therapy Luminia, which combines a system of techniques that the patient will learn to be increasingly
resilient. And is that already tell us, that the
world is for the brave...So don't settle for something that you can change.
What are you waiting for?